Green Spring Cleaning Checklist – Stabilized Aqueous Ozone Cleaning
It’s that time of year again: the sun is shining, the windows are ajar, and the spring breeze is blowing…dust all over the house as a reminder that it’s time for spring cleaning.
You are not alone if you have avoided deep cleaning the house throughout the winter. Research finds that we physically have less energy to clean in the winter due to shorter days and longer nights (a great excuse we’re willing to use!).
Now that the sun is brighter and the days are longer, the moment has come to roll up your sleeves and face the dirty truth: your house is a mess, and it’s time to clean it.
Don’t stress!
With this handy Green Spring Cleaning Checklist, cleaning the house can be a breeze. The best part is there are no toxic cleaning products required.

Eco Cleaning with the iClean mini
The iClean mini is the world’s only device that creates a cleaner out of nothing but water.
With patented technology, the iClean mini instantly converts ordinary tap water into Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO), a cleaner that’s 100% safe for people and planet.
Pair this incredible device with our Green Spring Cleaning Checklist to make spring cleaning 100% simple, safe, and sustainable.
Before you begin your spring cleaning, round up all your eco cleaning supplies to ensure you have everything you need on hand.
Traditional Cleaning with Toxic Cleaning Products
Eco Cleaning with Stabilized Aqueous Ozone
With your iClean mini in hand, dampen your microfiber cloth with Stabilized Aqueous Ozone and wipe down all the dusty and hard-to-reach places that you may typically skip during routine cleaning, such as ceilings fans, ceiling corners, ceiling trim, and baseboards.
Wet your microfiber cloth with SAO and wipe down your walls to clean them in one step. SAO can also get crayon off walls without harsh chemicals for those of you who have young, budding artists in the home!
What are high touch surfaces?
High touch surfaces are frequently touched by multiple people and thus are highly susceptible to hosting contaminants. Spray your microfiber cloth with SAO and wipe down common high touch surfaces such as doorknobs, remote controls, banisters, light switches, and window operating handles.
Stabilized Aqueous Ozone achieves a streak-free finish each time, making it the perfect all-in-one natural glass cleaner. With the iClean mini and your microfiber cloth, clean all the glass in your home, such as mirrors, glass cabinets, glass doors, glass tables, and windows.
With your iClean mini, spray all your household surfaces with Stabilized Aqueous Ozone and wipe them dry with your microfiber cloth. As an eco friendly surface cleaner, SAO is safe for a large variety of the most common household surfaces and will not cause damage when used as directed.
As a natural carpet deodorizer, Stabilized Aqueous Ozone is a safe and effective way to clean your household carpets and remove unwanted smells. With your iClean mini, spot-clean your carpets with SAO to remove stains, dirt, and odors. After applying, you can gently dab the solution dry with your microfiber cloth or let it air dry on its own.
No one teaches us how to clean upholstery or how to wash cushion covers. We can leave it to Google, but with all the different fabrics and materials we have, finding a safe solution to use on them all can be difficult.
Not for the iClean mini!
Use Stabilized Aqueous Ozone to spot clean almost any furniture material such as wicker, leather, cotton, velvet, or suede. SAO can lift any chemical residue left behind from other cleaning products and restore your furniture’s original brightness and softness.
Spray a generous amount of Stabilized Aqueous Ozone on any hard flooring in your home, then wipe them dry with a flathead mop. As an eco friendly floor cleaner, Stabilized Aqueous Ozone is safe on nearly every flooring material, such as authentic hardwood, marble, vinyl, and tile. Stabilized Aqueous Ozone isn’t just a people and planet safe cleaner; it’s also a pet safe floor cleaner that you can use with confidence around your fur family.
In many traditions, spring cleaning isn’t just a day dedicated to cleaning the house, but also cleansing it of any negative energy. Now that your Green Spring Cleaning Checklist is complete, there’s only one thing left to do: say goodbye to toxic cleaning products—with Stabilized Aqueous Ozone, you won’t need them ever again!
Learn More about Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO)